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Vienna’s Ringstraße

folder_open2015-2016, General, Wandertag, Wien
Our trip to the Ringstraße in Vienna was very cool. We visited Belvedere Palace, the Johann Strauß statue and the Pestsäule and ate jam doughnuts outside Aida. Mrs Glaser and Mrs Gruber told us very important and interesting facts about…
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Wintersport Day

folder_open2015-2016, General, Wandertag
On Shrove Tuesday Mr Schnabel, Mrs Wöckl and Ms Tomrle took a group of pupils up to Semmering for a morning of skiing and snowboarding. Although there wasn’t a huge amount of snow, some parts of the hill were white…
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Hiking on Shrove Tuesday

folder_open2015-2016, General, Wandertag
On Tuesday 9th February a group of outdoor-oriented pupils took a brisk walk along the Bahnwanderweg from Semmering down to Breitenstein, before hopping on the train back to Wiener Neustadt. Everyone enjoyed the fantastic weather and the beautiful scenery, with…
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1d Reading Night

folder_open1d, 1st years, 2015-2016, General, Reading
Apparently morning lessons are not enough for the pupils of 1d, so on 28th January they returned to school at 6:30 pm to spend the night there with their teachers, Andrea Huber and Daniela Großmann. Loaded with sleeping bags, pillows, gym mats…
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U15 Futsal Tournament

folder_open2015-2016, Football, General
On Wednesday 27th January the BJHS footballers took part in the U15 Futsal tournament held at the Sport MS in Wiener Neustadt. It was the first time the school had ever taken part in an U15 competition. The team got…
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