1d and the Long, Hot Walk

On Monday 28th June, 1d met at the train station in Wiener Neustadt and took the train to Lanzenkirchen – from platform 1d! We then walked to Mrs Wolfram’s house, where we had a short break and did our compulsory Covid tests, before continuing on up the hill to the lookout tower. The walk up was quite tiring, not because of the distance, but because it was so incredibly hot.
Luckily up at the top of the hill a nice breeze was blowing and we could cool off a bit in the shade of the tower while we were enjoying the views. On the way back down we stopped in Mrs Wolfram’s garden again for a rest in the shade and to fill up our water bottles before the last section through the midday heat to the station. In total we walked 13 km and all the pupils did really well – for some it was the first time they had walked so far.
Many thanks to Mrs Wolfram for organising everything and being our guide for the day!